September 17, 2015 By mooselickbrewing in Uncategorized Comments Offon We are open Thursdays!


Mooselick will be open on THURSDAYS now! Come join us at the tap room from 2-7pm to try our beers! We will have our Hoof Print Porter, Moose Hide, and Red Berry Gulp on tap. Fall is quickly approaching, so along with beer we will have part of our Garden Center open for selling pumpkins and mums! We hope to see you at the tap room tonight!

We will also be open our normal hours all weekend: Friday 4-8pm, and Saturday and Sunday 12-5pm.

name brand fake rolex

September 13, 2015 By mooselickbrewing in Uncategorized Comments Offon Claremont Brewfest


The Claremont Brewfest is almost here! On September 19th we’ll be there from 1-5pm, and if you’ve decided to purchase a VIP ticket, we’ll be doing a VIP hour from 12-1pm. Click here to visit the Claremont Brewfest website for more information. We will have Moose Hide and Hoof Print Porter with us this weekend, and one of our fruit beers as our VIP beer. We hope to see you all there on Saturday!

September 5, 2015 By mooselickbrewing in Uncategorized Comments Offon Labor Day Weekend


The holiday weekend is here, and we’ve brought back the last keg of our award-winning Best in Show Velvety Antlers Brown Ale! We sold about half of it Friday night, so if you need that brown ale fix, you better show up early on Saturday before it’s all gone! Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until the end of the month when our second batch is ready.

Come in with your clean growlers to refill so you can enjoy some Mooselick beer this great holiday weekend!

July 17, 2015 By mooselickbrewing in about us, news Comments Offon Opening Saturday July 25th


Finally! I know you all have been waiting with baited breath for this moment, and believe me, we have too! Starting any venture to do with selling or distributing alcohol is a long and detailed process, and once we got our licenses and correct equipment, we needed to make sure everything worked well and produces a product we are proud of.

It is very fitting that Mooselick Brewing should open on July 25th, as that is not only the 200th anniversary of Troy, our chosen home town, but it is also the Levick Family’s 20th anniversary of moving to The United States of America, our chosen home country. You will notice that Anthony still has a strong British accent, and the Levick Family may all use some odd terminology and inflections every once in a while, but we are very much a part of this country and the fabric of our chosen Monadnock Region community now. We plan to celebrate that by lifting our glasses together, and toasting to this new venture.

We will have two traditional ales ready for tasting and purchasing on the Saturday the 25th, and the first fruit beer, Red Berry Gulp, will be ready a few weeks later. Fruit beers take twice as long to ferment, but are absolutely worth the wait.

May 7, 2015 By mooselickbrewing in adventures, news Comments Offon Mooselick at Taste of Monadnock


Anthony, Dave and I had a great time at the Taste of Monadnock at Colony Mill on Monday, May 4th! Dave, our master brewer, had refined a range of flavors ready for the evening’s tasting.

We sampled a red raspberry, a black currant, a peach, and a berry mix. For those traditionalists out there we also had an English Mild Ale brewed with oatmeal, an Amber Ale with hop flavor and aroma, but without the bitterness, one with home grown Centennial hops, and a Porter brewed with molasses and vanilla.

We spoke with many folks over the course of the night and also had a chance to meet other vendors in the Monadnock Region. It is very exciting that our region has was chosen to host the Governor’s Conference on Tourism and Travel for the first time ever, this year! I want to give a shout out to all the folks that made it happen, from the amazing food and drink, to the beautiful host venues that were able to showcase our region so well.

– Fenella Levick

April 24, 2015 By mooselickbrewing in about us Comments Offon The Origin Story, by Dave


Chapter 1:

Anthony and I met at Naples Beach Brewery (NBB) in Naples, Florida in Feb 2013. Donna and I were at NBB for a beer tasting and towards the end of our session, Donna hears a voice that she recognizes in the next room who is coming in for the next tasting. She eyes this tall English accented man and says to him” I know you” Anthony was quite skeptical… “You run Monandock Berries (MB) in Troy, NH”. Anthony’s cover was blown and after the shock went away, they started talking and eventually I was introduced to Anthony. Now mind you, I had been drinkin’ a fair amount of really, really, good NBB beer so….

Anthony and I started yapping about his career as a fruit farmer, mine as a chemical engineer and my raspberry homebrew that I had been making for a number of years. He said his customers had been asking for beer or wine made from Monadnock Berrries fruit to which he and his wife Fenella could not answer positively. Remember, I had been drinking… well I kept sipping and I said we should go into business to make fruit beers!! Not the sappy sweet variety, but the dry, underlying fruit flavor style yet to be discovered. We swapped business cards, said “jolly oh” goodbyes and Donna and I went home with our designated driver (Donna’s Mom).

A few weeks later back in the cold, dreary winter of New Hampshire, I brought a couple of bottles of my Bulley Berry beer to Anthony & Fenella and they tried it. They liked it! It was dry, not sweet but still tasted like Raspberry. Fenella was in. I also brought two of my traditional beers and that sealed the deal for Anthony. We would look into what it would take to form a small brewery making local fruit beers and traditional beers.

Chapter 2:

The summer of 2013 I brewed 9 beers with 7 different MB fruits. Our first official tasting was in October 2013 at the wedding room at MB farm. Boy was I nervous! We had 28 people blind tasting these 9 beers plus a traditional beer. Yes we did feed our guests while this was going on. This night’s positive response told us to continue along.

January- March 2014 found me brewing more fruit beers along with my favorite traditional recipes. Informal tastings continued through the winter. Needless to say, we met again in February 2014 at NBB because we could. Will Lawson the owner/brewer of NBB allowed me to come in to his brewery one morning and ‘work’ with him (mostly I asked questions and took copious notes). One year had past; we think we can, we think we can.

In April 2014 the Morse’s and Levick’s made a handshake agreement to start a brewery. Red Barn was our first name choice only to find out it had been copyrighted by someone though the name was not in active use, dumped Red Barn. Fenella must have been tipping the bottle one night when she came up with a mix of Morse & Levick to get Mooselick. A quick search found no use of Mooselick but a lot of pictures of Moose looking silly with their tongue out. A quick vote and it was set, Mooselick. Now the reality started to set in, it’s going to cost how much? We have to fill out what/how many forms? It will take that long to get our Federal brewer’s license? The brewery will be built in the quonset hut on the Monadnock Berries property on Rt. 12 in Troy, NH.

Hey, the summer showed up and I brewed a lot more beer. Tweaking the formulas and my process has yielded beers different from last summer. I have been experimenting with adding a small amount of new oak wood, how I prepare the fruit for fermentation, and on the mouthfeel of the fruit beers. The beers are still dry but with different supporting characteristics. Some more informal tastings to get more input on the recipe changes happened on our screen porch. Donna and I also visited a number of micro breweries and spoke to many brewers about getting their brewery started. Visiting breweries in the name of starting a business, someone has to do it!

Chapter 3:

On September 4, 2014 we received our formation of a LCC statement from the State of New Hampshire giving us the name Mooselick Brewing Company, LLC. Back to work making beers and figuring out what the brewery will actually look like. I kept reminding myself that Naples Beach Brewery and Throwback in Hampton, NH have very successfully used the model which I stole them them. Jeff Beal begins the grand task of converting the quonset hut into our brewery. Did anyone notice how cold this past winter was? Yeah well so did the construction crew. The cold slowed us down but by the end of March the brewery was there. Fenella had the great idea of converting the Garden Center retail cabin into the brewery’s tap room and replacing the small greenhouse behind it into a well insulated keg storage room. Jeff built that in April. We filed for Mooselick’s Federal Brewer’s License on January 4, 2015. On April 10,2015 we received our Federal Brewer’s license. We are on our way, the State license will be easy….. Not so true. The State liquor licenses came on June 11, 2015. Did someone mention brewing equipment…..


Best in Show: Velvety Antlers @ Wyman Tavern Brew Fest 8/8/15

Best Red/Amber Ale: Moose Hide @ Claremont BrewFest 9/19/15


Logo thanks to Tim Campbell